Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Speech Therapy and the Monster at the end of this book

So Grover's Monster at the end of this book for ipad is a HUGE hit! We've read this book to him since he was little - but there is something about having Grover tell the story makes my kids go nuts! They love this app for ipad. It is adorable. :)

Per Isaac's speech therapist's recommendation (and with her help), I programmed a storyboard on icommunicate with words like cow - with two sounds for the word - like moo moo, in order to encourage Isaac to make two syllables at a time. We talked about apraxia a lot and how in order to help with sequencing its good to encourage two of the same sounds at first and that will hopefully lead to two different syllable sounds later on. Wow I'm not very articulate at explaining that. Anyways, I have storyboards now with train - choo choo, clown - ha ha, owl - hoot hoot and so on. I also am making story boards with simple sounding words of the p, b, m variety. So pot, potty, pool, pop etc. just to encourage specifically the p sound. Its just like flashcards with my voice saying "pop pop pop" etc. I'm really excited because it sounds like a great way to encourage speech that we haven't really focused on. I mean we do flashcards all the time but this seems more . . . concentrated? Anyways I'm excited.


debs6882 said...

That was one of my absolute favorite books when I was little. Isaac will have to share next time I see him. :)

Isaac's Mom said...

Georgia already checked it out today! Of course then she wanted to play Angry Birds. :) You should have seen the three playing this evening - they were WILD!!!

L. Peters said...

I love Grover! Sure wish we had this stuff when we were kids..I can just imagine how cool it is! What a great therapy tool!